Category: Sikh Dharma Technology

 My Favorite Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru

by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa I have a great personal attachment and affection for this mantra, because Yogi Bhajan taught it to me in December of 1968, when my 19 year old son was in serious trouble. Yogiji told me, “There is nothing more powerful in the world than the prayer of a mother for

How to Walk into the Unknown

This summer I have been immersed in the 19th stanza of a sacred poem, called Japji, given to us by Guru Nanak, a saint and sage of the 15th Century in Northern India. I always feel that the Naad, or the sacred sound current of the Guru, is alive and that it finds us exactly

The Perfection of Creation

by SS Gurutej Singh Khalsa, Singapore Courtesy of the #60 Summer 2016 SDI Ministry Newsletter This creation is one of absolute perfection and within that perfection exists the miraculous human incarnation. Since time immemorial, human beings have been trying to understand the perfection, mystery, and purpose of the incarnation, and in fact, the

Compass of the Soul

by SS Gurudev Singh Khalsa, Austin, TX Courtesy of the #60 Summer 2016 SDI Ministry Newsletter The ability to experience our physical body has served us well throughout our long history of evolution, and has been instrumental to our survival. It tells the story of what we can see, touch and feel with our

Bowing Jaap Sahib – Karam Naam Barnat Sumat

"Khalsa Women’s Training Camp in the summer of 1983 was a revolutionary time for women in Sikh Dharma.  For the first time, SSS Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji set the roots of the Khalsa women of the west deep into the identity of Guru Gobind Singh and the path of the spiritual warrior.   What we discovered
woman with sword