Category: Siri Singh Sahib Ji

What is Circumvent Force?

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® is an incredible treasure of information.  KRI recently shared some previously unpublished teachings on the topic of Circumvent Force.  In the early 1970s, Yogi Bhajan spoke about Circumvent Force as another term for the eighth chakra, the aura. In particular, when speaking about Circumvent Force he focused on the
SSS teaching in early years

Siri Singh Sahib Ji Speaks about Winter Solstice

Excerpt from December 17, 1992 Meditation Course in Orlando by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan Yes, Winter Solstice is the most beautiful human psyche. Actually these ten days you know, which starts on twenty second of December, ten days, actually these are the days when a person should celebrate because you change your oil

Giaan Chakra Kriya

Yogi Bhajan: "Wealth does not guarantee prosperity. Wealth has a purpose, it can help you to guide your life comfortably, that does not mean you are prosperous. The sign of a person who is prosperous, he is from dawn to dusk, one can create harmonious, creative and clearing atmosphere. Undisturbed mind, unworried personality and

Vibrate the Cosmos

We affect the total Universe and the total Universe affects us; therefore, one has to feel that the entire Universe in creative form is with us, which we call God, because we are created creatures. As long as you are a created creature on this planet, as long as the breath of life has a link

Prosperity Has Two Sides to It

Lecture excerpts from the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan from August 7th, 1991 in Espanola, NM Prosperity. Root word purpose, achievement. Noun; prosperity, base, propose, proposal, purpose, projection, penetration, production, paraphernalia, prototypes. The base energy force is parallel and all come told is prosperity. Prosperity in combination. Prosperity looks as one unit, but it has two sides