Posts by: Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

The Power and Effects of the Circumvent Force

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® is an incredible treasure of information.  KRI recently shared some previously unpublished teachings on the topic of Circumvent Force.  In the early 1970s, Yogi Bhajan spoke about Circumvent Force as another term for the eighth chakra, the aura. In particular, when speaking about Circumvent Force he focused on the
yogi bhajan - 1969

Our Pattern, Personality and Projection

Prosperity Meditation taught by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan on September 10th, 1995 Part One POSTURE: Come into Easy Pose. (Note: this set was taught to people sitting straight in their chairs, both feet equally weighted on the ground.) MUDRA: Bend the forearms up so that the hands are facing forward with the fingers pointing upward. The

Understand Your Psyche

Chapter 10 from the book, Success and the Spirit , An Aquarian Path to Abundance with Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan lecture excerpts from 9/10/95 and 1/17/2000. This Chapter is also connected to the Prosperity Meditation, Our Pattern, Personality and Projection, taught by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan on 9/10/95. Chapter Ten - Understand Your Psyche As
Yogi Bhajan in Winter Solstice 1985

Tools and Meditations for Circumvent Force

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® is an incredible treasure of information.  KRI recently shared some previously unpublished teachings on the topic of Circumvent Force.  "We have six centers of God consciousness in the body -lowest is the rectum, second is the sex organ, third is where these two centers are pulled [at the navel] or where the
Yogi Bhajan Photo Archive - 1977

Qué tanto Brilla es la Fuerza de la Persona

 La Biblioteca de Enseñanzas de Yogi Bhajan es un increíble tesoro de información. KRI recientemente compartió algunas enseñanzas previamente sin publicar, acerca del tema de la Fuerza Circunvente.  “Todas las oraciones, todos los mantras que cantamos, todas las buenas palabras que hablas, todos los buenos pensamientos que tienes, construyen sólo una cosa alrededor
Yogi Bhajan - 1970

How Much it Glitters is the Strength of the Person

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® is an incredible treasure of information.  KRI recently shared some previously unpublished teachings on the topic of Circumvent Force.  "All the prayers, all the mantras we chant, all the good words you speak, all the good thoughts you have, they build up only one thing around you and that
Yogi Bhajan - 1970

Prosperity Meditation for Interdependence

From a lecture taught on November 6, 1990 by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan  POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose, hands in any relaxed position, make a strong clucking sound with your tongue striking and releasing against the upper palate. The tongue presses the upper palate and breaks from it with a force. It pulls forcefully on the upper palate at the

Siri Singh Sahib Ji Speaks about Winter Solstice

Excerpt from December 17, 1992 Meditation Course in Orlando by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan Yes, Winter Solstice is the most beautiful human psyche. Actually these ten days you know, which starts on twenty second of December, ten days, actually these are the days when a person should celebrate because you change your oil

Giaan Chakra Kriya

Yogi Bhajan: "Wealth does not guarantee prosperity. Wealth has a purpose, it can help you to guide your life comfortably, that does not mean you are prosperous. The sign of a person who is prosperous, he is from dawn to dusk, one can create harmonious, creative and clearing atmosphere. Undisturbed mind, unworried personality and

Mujer Amada

–Por Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji La Amada es Aquella que ha obtenido la radiancia de la Luz del Infinito, como el sol rebosante. La Amada es la esencia de la totalidad y creatividad de todo lo cual llamamos Divinidad. En esencia, la Amada alcanza la excelencia de la Excelencia como