Posts by: Kundalini Research Institute

Meditación para una Energía Absolutamente Poderosa

Postura: Siéntate en postura fácil con la columna derecha y una cerradura de cuello firme. Mudra: Entrelaza los dedos, manteniendo el dedo del Sol (anular) juntos apuntando hacia arriba. El pulgar derecho arriba. Mantén las manos varios centímetros separados del diafragma, manteniendo los dedos del Sol apuntando hacia arriba en 60 grados. 
Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy 1

Healing Your Neck

On an emotional level, neck pain can mean that you are being confronted with a situation or someone whose ideas are at odds with your sense of reality, literally someone or something that is a “pain in the neck.” Our sense of reality of “what is” is a paradigm that was created for us at
KRI neck image

Meditating in the Amrit Vela

Shared from the KRI November, 2019 Newsletter In Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, Yogi Bhajan emphasized doing sadhana, a regular spiritual practice, every day to cleanse the subconscious mind and align your being with your highest intention. Guru Nanak Dev ji wrote: Amrit velaa sach naao vadiaa-ee veechaar Karmee aavai kapraa nadree mokh
Evening sky over the lake in North Russia

The Mother’s Prayer: Puta Mata Ki Asis

Every woman embodies the energy of the Kundalini Mata Shakti: The Creative Power of the Mother. When a woman decides to assist a soul in coming to the planet in human form, it is a tremendous responsibility. In Japji Sahib, Guru Nanak said that the human birth is very rare and very precious, for it is only