Posts by: Sikh Dharma International

Blast from the Past: Celebrating 55 Years of History

In 2019, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan's arrival in the West in 1969. As soon as he arrived, he began teaching his students about Sikh history, Sikh Dharma and Kundalini Yoga. To celebrate this milestone and Yogi Bhajan's lasting legacy, we compiled 50 years of historical content from the
Yogi Bhajan teaching students in Santa Barbara, California in 1969.

The Music Legacy of Guru Dass Singh

Guru Dass Singh traveled the world, teaching and sharing his music. He trained hundreds of Kundalini Yoga teachers in courses he led in different countries. Guru Dass was a long-time, and a highly experienced, Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer, and one of Yogi Bhajan's early students. He met him in 1971 at the age of 17.

Gurutej Singh Publishes the Novel ‘Rajni’

In 2014, Gurutej Singh Khalsa published the historical novel 'Rajni'.  Akal Purkh, the solitary and eternal personality of the cosmos, narrates the story. Since eternity there is only Me. My vastness is profound, My peacefulness is absolute, but My loneliness incomprehensible. I have no peer, I have no mother or father,
Rajni novel Gurutej

The Story of Rajni

This is the story of Rajni, as told by Shakti Parwha Kaur and Guruka Singh in the book 'Heroes, Saints and Yogis'  A wealthy kardar (tax-collector) had seven virtuous and beautiful daughters. Rajni was the youngest. Her father provided all of his daughters with graceful luxurious environments, the best teachers to