Meditation for Release of Cold Depression

Cold Depression is our single biggest challenge as we enter the Aquarian Age. It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to behave in ways we would not otherwise. The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, cautioned us that as we transition into the Aquarian Age, that is, through 2038, humanity would
Image by Stacy Mullett from Pixabay.

Despite Our Mistakes Mother Earth Loves Us Anyway

Planet Earth is experiencing profound evolutionary changes, as we can see with the unpredictable weather patterns, earthquakes and ice melting. Also through the solar flare activity, the Earth's electromagnetic field is rotating at a higher rate. The electromagnetic field of the Earth runs all of life including our human lives and we are undeniably linked,
Image by Skeeze from Pixabay.

3H0 Luminary: Amrita Nishan Kaur (Egypt)

Dalia Adel Ibrahim (Amrita Nishan Kaur) hosts free and donation based community Kundalini Yoga classes in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt.  She is passionate about sharing that you can be a Kundalini yogi and a Muslim and tirelessly supports the studio which brings teacher training to Egypt.  She is currently working on a translation of the teacher
Amrita Nishan Kaur Egypt