Siri Singh Sahib on Mothers and Women

Blessed mother, the Ashtibhujaa, the jananee, the divine, nursing and nurturing, the source of all affection, love and courage, the symbol of divinity, dignity and grace, reality among all non-realities, power among all the impotence, and glow against all darkness. The destroyer of the demons, ill will and negativity - cleansing and purifying the strength
Mother and child1

Tera Jiwan Kaur’s Thoughts on Marriage

During the tele-course, Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma, participants are given assignments on each of the topics they study. One such assignment is to reflect on their understanding of sacred relationships and marriage in relationship to their view of the Sikh way of life and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Here are
wedding at solstice

2019 SuperHealth Specialty Professional Training

It was a magical experience!  A beautiful tapestry of people were brought together to experience the depth of the teachings in friendship and love.  One of the highlights was meeting fellow "siblings of destiny" from around the world -- New Zealand, Iceland, Guatemala, Sweden, Belgium, Mexico, Australia and all throughout the
SuperHealth 2019 Class