Reflections on the Seventh Pauri from JapJī Sāhib by Gurū Nānak

“When you suffer from greed, madness for power, overbearing expansion and the need to control, when you become trapped in your territoriality, the seventh Paurī will heal you.” – from the Teachings of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan (1)     jay jug chāray ārajā hor dasūṉī ho-i.
7th Pauree

Wearing the 5K’s (Kara, Kesh, Kirpan, Kacheras, Kanga)

When Guru Gobind Singh gave the gift of the Five K’s to the Khalsa he did so with a promise; that by following the teachings of the Guru and keeping ourselves distinct, we will have his undying power and support. These five tools, along with our daily sadhana, allow us to maintain our grace. dignity