About: radiant body

Meditation to Keep Up with the Times

In order to keep up with the times and truly “live for each other,” we must transcend our individual consciousness and expand into a collective and Infinite consciousness. Ten is the number associated with the Radiant Body, Guru Gobind Singh (the tenth Sikh guru), Unity, Royal Dignity and Fearless Courage. This meditation includes Guru Gobind Singh’s

Gratitude—A Source of Radiant Beauty

“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji I have been pondering the concept of Radiant Beauty. What is it really? According to the dictionary, to ‘radiate’ is to ‘send forth or release’ and ‘beauty’ is the ‘quality present in a thing or person that gives pleasure or satisfaction to the

Radiance and Bana

Written by SS DukhNiwaran Kaur Khalsa, Chicago, IL Courtesy of the Sikh Dharma Ministry Newsletter #63 Spring 2017 Newsletter Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh’s birth, I reflect on the radiance he embodies. As the Father of the Khalsa, the warrior, Guru and poet, Guru Gobind Singh bowed to the everlasting

Trust in God

Excerpts from the lecture "In God We Trust" on October 6, 1989 by Siri Singh Sahib Ji We do not trust God. Trust is not a human faculty, because when you trust something, you are fulfilled; you are there; your understanding becomes deep and it is a state of ecstasy, where there is no
bridge-trust in God

Jai TayGang ~ A Shabad for Prosperity and Imperial Dignity

Chanting and surrounding yourself with this Shabad will bring protection, prosperity, royalty and grace and will cut through karmic blocks. Written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and included in the Dasam Granth, this shabad calls upon and bows to the power of the divine sword that represents the majesty and strength which can remove
Guru Gobind Singh on horse with sword