Asa di Var

Asa di Var is a collection of 24 paurees or stanzas written by Guru Nanak Dev ji (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, page 462-475). The founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak wrote the first nine together on one occasion, and later wrote 15 more stanzas on a different occasion. These two parts were then compiled together by
Asa di Var

Radiance and Bana

Written by SS DukhNiwaran Kaur Khalsa, Chicago, IL Courtesy of the Sikh Dharma Ministry Newsletter #63 Spring 2017 Newsletter Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh’s birth, I reflect on the radiance he embodies. As the Father of the Khalsa, the warrior, Guru and poet, Guru Gobind Singh bowed to the everlasting

Trust in God

Excerpts from the lecture "In God We Trust" on October 6, 1989 by Siri Singh Sahib Ji We do not trust God. Trust is not a human faculty, because when you trust something, you are fulfilled; you are there; your understanding becomes deep and it is a state of ecstasy, where there is no
bridge-trust in God

Video: Dialogs in Dharma – Sikhs and Depression in the Time of COVID

Pritpal Singh hosted the first “Dialogs in Dharma” program on November 11. The topic for Episode 1 was Sikhs and Depression in the Time of COVID, with a panel discussion with distinguished Sikh mental health professionals discussing faith-based remedies for anxiety and depression caused during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. 

Sikh Research Institute Presents the Arti of IkOankar

Guru Nanak Sahib redefines the ritualistic Arti, urging us to imagine a different Arti. The Arti which takes down specific systems, power structures, and hierarchies, thereby equalizing creation to its original self. This Arti of the Guru is revolutionary, for it eliminates fear. This is the Arti of IkOankar, the Fear-Eliminator. May the fragrance of this
SikhRI Guru Granth Sahib project