Category: Publications

Guru Arjan Dev and the Birth of the Guru Granth Sahib

Guru Ram Das had three sons. The child who was to become the Guru was the youngest. Born April 15, 1563, he was named Arjan Mal. Each of the boys had very different dispositions. The eldest, Prithi Chand, was clever in social and worldly affairs. He managed the Guru’s household and most efficiently administered the
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Gurutej Singh Publishes the Novel ‘Rajni’

In 2014, Gurutej Singh Khalsa published the historical novel 'Rajni'.  Akal Purkh, the solitary and eternal personality of the cosmos, narrates the story. Since eternity there is only Me. My vastness is profound, My peacefulness is absolute, but My loneliness incomprehensible. I have no peer, I have no mother or father,
Rajni novel Gurutej

The Story of Rajni

This is the story of Rajni, as told by Shakti Parwha Kaur and Guruka Singh in the book 'Heroes, Saints and Yogis'  A wealthy kardar (tax-collector) had seven virtuous and beautiful daughters. Rajni was the youngest. Her father provided all of his daughters with graceful luxurious environments, the best teachers to

One in the Spirit – 2006

Yogi Bhajan told us insanity and violence would increase, and we shudder in horror at the accuracy of his prediction. Yet we see light at the end of the tunnel. Mother Nature erupted in 2005 with tsunamis and hurricanes, tragedies that injured and killed, but brought out the courage, compassion, and kindness of “strangers."
Unity humanity Pixabay